Album #993
Album #994
Where Did Our Love Go by The Supremes
40 years is a long time to wait to lose your virginity. It’s an even longer time to watch someone losing theirs. Why do I bring this up? Because Where Did our Love Go by The Supremes is one of the
best god damned albums ever made.
Album #995
Tea for the Tillerman by Cat Stevens
This album has a lot of sentimental value for me. I had just gotten back from 'Nam. All I wanted was something to eat until I got hassled by some kingshit cop. He just kept pushin', so I had to go into the woods to take 'em out. They drew first blood, not me; they drew first blood. Anyway, I was a drifter by nature, always had been, always will be. I guess I was never Mr. Popularity in high school: I smelled like parmesan and watched "Fantasia" a lot. Occasionally, to this day, I'll pour myself a glass of Merlot, heat up a couple Bagel Bites, and watch those sassy little Disney brooms dance around to music. I'm getting off track here: Cat Stevens is a Communist. That said, I love his work. Celebrate the man's entire catalogue.
Album #996
Album #997
Sacred Love by Sting
Kanye West’s Next Album Presumably by Kanye West
Over the course of the past month it seems as if nearly ever music blog has written a review of Kanye West’s latest album, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Well here at butterymuffin, not only do we like to be as cutting edge as possible, we also feel that living in the past is for liberals and communists. For this reason we bring you a review of Kanye West’s next album, and while it will probably have both a title and be by Kanye West, I can’t really guarantee either. Either way, if and when it comes out I can almost, and this is with a suspect amount of confidence because one can never be sure of things in what we in the music business call “the music business,” guarantee that it will have songs. Some of these songs will be better than some of his previous songs, yet one must also realize that they might also be worse. Possibly. You heard it here first, this was a butterymuffin exclusive.
Album #994
Where Did Our Love Go by The Supremes
40 years is a long time to wait to lose your virginity. It’s an even longer time to watch someone losing theirs. Why do I bring this up? Because Where Did our Love Go by The Supremes is one of the
best god damned albums ever made.
Album #995
Tea for the Tillerman by Cat Stevens
This album has a lot of sentimental value for me. I had just gotten back from 'Nam. All I wanted was something to eat until I got hassled by some kingshit cop. He just kept pushin', so I had to go into the woods to take 'em out. They drew first blood, not me; they drew first blood. Anyway, I was a drifter by nature, always had been, always will be. I guess I was never Mr. Popularity in high school: I smelled like parmesan and watched "Fantasia" a lot. Occasionally, to this day, I'll pour myself a glass of Merlot, heat up a couple Bagel Bites, and watch those sassy little Disney brooms dance around to music. I'm getting off track here: Cat Stevens is a Communist. That said, I love his work. Celebrate the man's entire catalogue.
Album #996
My World by Ron Artest
The phrase “worst abomination ever perpetrated by a sentient being” gets thrown around a lot these days, but in the case of My World by Ron Artest, its use is completely warranted. There’s not only nothing good to say about the album, there’s really nothing at all to say about it. But if you want to see for yourself, download it. While you’re at it, you should probably also buy every picture you can of Rosie O’Donnel naked, both experiences will cost you five bucks, leave you nauseous, and should never be attempted by anyone.
Album #997
Sacred Love by Sting
Album #998
Fore! by Huey Lewis and the News
This album reminds me of a story I once read called “The Puppy Who Lost His Way.” Long story short, there’s this puppy who loses his way. But what the puppy’s owner didn’t realize is that the puppy had started rolling with some gangbangers from across the bridge, and got caught up in a dope deal that went south. The puppy had gotten into some trouble a while back for curb stomping someone who told him to take his hat off at a meal, and was relying on the gang for protection. When the puppy showed up at the helping friendly door of his friend Gary the Golden Retriever, he thought he was safe until he overheard Gary selling him to another crackhead for season 1 of The Aresenio Hall Show on VHS and a blacklight. So just as the puppy never expected a thing, you’ll find plenty of fun surprises in this album!
Album #999
Veckatimest by Grizzly Bear
So it was 1982, hallucinogenics were in and having a job was out. Me, I was somewhere in between trying to make it with a two cent job in a ten cent town. It was only natural I went down the path I did. Down a path of darkness and drug problems, but mainly drug problems. Lost, desperate, and desperately lost I had nowhere to go but to leave. Well, to make a long story short, Veckatimest by Grizzly Bear is a great album.
Album #1,000
Billy Breathes by Phish
Evening Article:
Alright I’m here to take you to school, 1,000 times. Hence the name Johnny Dukane’s 1,000 albums to know. They’re presented in no particular order except for the fact that album #32 is the greatest album ever made. So Phish is one of the greatest jam bands of all time and has therefore and henceforth produced some of the greatest tunes to crunch too literally ever. Everyone likes an album with some continuity in the mood spectrum. In other words, albums that have a logical and follow able flow to their emotional tenor. This album has that in spades. God damn spades. Free and Character Zer0 do it up quite large until Waste brings it down a notch and allows one to reflect and empty one’s chill tank. This album continues and has many many very good songs. Including train song end quote. Theme from the bottom to train song to bliss to billy breathes is probably the most soothing one two three four but not five combination ever. If you want to start with one jam album start with this fella.
Morning Update:
This album is also great for nursing hangovers, something I now desperately need.